Saturday, August 12, 2006

Salvation at Thirteen

There he sat, a hot sweaty, thirteen year old kid. It was a hot, stiflingly hot, summer afternoon in Texas. The parents, good, God-fearing people, were really worried about their only son. He hadn't made a "decision for Christ", and he was way beyond the "age of accountability". What if something happened to him, God forbid. He was destined for a Devil's Hell. They had to do something about it, even if he wouldn't. To top it all off, his best friend had made his "decision" that morning. Wouldn't it be great if they were baptized together. Well, if he wouldn't do something about that, they would. They called the pastor and asked him to come over and speak to their son.

That thirteen year old kid was me. Making a "decision for Christ was the farthest thing from my mind as I was playing outside with the neighborhood kids on that hot, Texas Sunday afternoon. I remember my Mom calling me inside. I remember wondering whose car that was in the driveway. Then it hit me. It was the preacher's! Holy cow, I mean spirit-filled bovine, what had I done? I had no clue. I then remembered that my friend had "gone down front" that morning and I thought that must be it. As I walked, sweating like a pig, into the house, there he was, the preacher. The man scared me to death. He was a stern-faced individual who rarely smiled. His booming voice during services had certainly put the "fear of God" in me, just not quite enough to get me to "make my decision". So now he was here to beat it, no, no coax it out of me. First, an aside, you gotta understand that our house had one air conditioner and it was in my parent's bedroom/ TV room. So on this near 100 degree day, where did all of us go to discuss this very, very, weighty subject, the living room. The unairconditioned living room. I mean, that's the only place to visit with the pastor, right?
There we were, my parents and the preacher sitting on the couch and me, sitting across from them, in the hot seat, so to speak.

I am only quoting from a distant memory now, but I believe the preacher said something like this, "Donnie, you know Bill (not his real name) made his "decision for Christ" this morning and will be baptized tonight. Don't you want to do the same, so ya'll can be baptized together?" There was a long pause.........What was I supposed to say? No thanks, don't think so, I got things to do outside. Can I go now? The sweat began to roll down my forehead onto my nose as the steely-faced preacher waited for my answer. I finally said, "OK". Everyone smiled, including, unexplicably, the preacher. Whew, glad that's over. So, I "went down front" that night at church and was "saved". Oh, and I was baptized that same night right behind my friend.

So what's wrong with that picture? You know, I remember making fun as a kid of all the ritual stuff that the Catholic kids in my town had to do at church. Up and down, up and down, repeat this prayer, say that phrase, go to communion, go to confession. How silly I thought that was. I made fun of THEIR ritual. I can remember thinking all those other churches are wrong and WE have it right. Was what happened to me on that hot Texas summer day RIGHT? Did all the others have it WRONG? Was I then as a thirteen year old kid assured of "going to heaven" because the preacher put me in the (literal) hot seat and got me to "give it up"?

I don't blame my parents. They were wonderful, loving parents. I always felt safe and loved. It WAS and IS the system which tells us God loves you more than you can imagine, IF YOU LOVE HIM BACK (ENOUGH).....................................


At 6:19 PM, Blogger SteveW said...

Don, that was a great post and very thought provoking. I had to chuckle when I read....

"There we were, my parents and the preacher sitting on the couch and me, sitting across from them, in the hot seat, so to speak."

Yep, Evangelical Christianity us pretty good at placing us all in the hot seat but not so good at leading us to the wonder of the river of Life that never runs dry and flows through the city with gates that never shut.

I am sure you have much more to share from your sixty years. (I'm 58, pushin' 59 real hard.) I'm really looking forward to hearing more. Thanks my friend.

At 5:33 AM, Blogger bruced said...

So, that whole "if you love Him back" thing didn't work out, huh?

It's funny how some folks see the truth early in life, and others of us have to wait 50-some years. But, you know what? It was worth the wait!

At 7:39 AM, Blogger kc bob said...

Your post moved me Don ... so sad the trips that Fundamentalist parents put on their kids. I have had to apologize to my kids for many of the trips that I put on them.

The journey out of Fundamentalism has been a long one for me ... a journey from the external to the internal ... a journey that has given me an identity that echoes God's words to Samuel in 1Sam16:7 ... not looking on the outside but to that beautiful inner man.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger bruced said...

Good golly, Roy. You have to tell us more! It looks like you're not blogging (yet), according to your profile. I hope you'll consider it!

It seems like there's so many of us "coming out of the closet"!

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Don said...

Great story Roy. Thanks guys for your good comments.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Soul Food Dude said...

Don! Steve! Roy! Bruce! What are these verses that push in the direction of UR? I'm searching for answers....I'm leaning towards this, but I am holding back....I want to believe it for the right reasons.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger SteveW said...

Jathan, I hesitate to try to "proof text" universal reconciliation because you can just about find verses to "prove" anything.

Having said that here is a few to start with....

Corinthians 15:22
Romans 5:18-19
Romans 11:32

This link discusses those and more.

Also these

1 Tim 4:10
2 Cor 5:18-19

We have many links on our sites. Also you may want to listen to some of the teachings on this site...especially the redemption of the world series.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Soul Food Dude said...

I appreciate it, Steve, and I hear what you're saying about the prooftexting. I'm just trying to understand the best I can what the attitudes/thoughts were of the writers behind the New Testament, so that I can have some grasp of whether or not (and by how much) I am at odds with them. Personally, I don't feel that these writers MUST have been absolutely correct....I see them as believing sinners, just like everyone else. Ha! What a paradox....the Holy Spirit alive and well in people who sin and make mistakes. I surely think they were inspired, but by "inspired" I don't mean "dictated to by God." In any case, their views ARE important to me, and I do come back to them to see if I have yet more to learn from them.

Thank God for the Spirit, though. I'll look into these passages/sites. Anyone else have anything?


At 7:14 PM, Blogger SteveW said...

Good thoughts Jathan. Have you ever considered that maybe the disciples really didn't totally get it.

Think about Peter and how He argued with God about going to the gentiles, even with God telling Him not to consider unclean that which he had cleaned. So as they began to drift away from His purposes, God raises up their worst enemy, a pharisee named Saul and instead of sending him to be taught by those who should have known, He takes Saul (Paul now) aside and teaches him in the desert Himself. Why????

And then also remember that even even Paul acknowledged that he saw thing as in a mirror...darkly. As Father's Light enlighten the heart of man, the Light shines brighter and we see clearer.

Consider that God may be taking us higher and further than the disciples and yes maybe we will see it all even more clearly than Paul.

It is very exciting Jathan and there is nothing to fear. As we behold Him as He is we are changed into His likeness, full of grace and truth....and Perfect Love casts out all of our fear so that we may expose others to this marvelous light.

We become trees of life and our leaves our the evidence of the Life within us and the nations behold our Life and receive healing.

It is awesome bro. I encourage you to proceed and also consider that what was heresy yesterday may become the revelations of the truth of today and tomorrow.

There is no bad news in this wonderful good news.

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Soul Food Dude said...

Yeah...yesterday's heresy is today's orthodoxy...many times over! I hear what you're saying, and I've had many of those thoughts.

I'll be praying over this. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it!

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Don said...

Thanks for visiting. Never be afraid to ask questions. I believe because God tells us that he hides some things from some people. He wants us to desire truth before He gives it to us. I floundered for over 50 years before deciding to I really wanted the TRUTH. He is faithful and true. Ask for the spirit to show you truth and trust that he will. He IS faithfu..

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Don said...

Check out That should keep you busy for a while. You'll find wonderful stuff there.


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