God's Path to Happiness in Life...?
After a visit with my wife who is working in Houston, I decided to take the backroads to come home. I try to avoid the interstate highways if I'm not in a hurry. As I was driving through the countryside of southeast Texas, I saw a billboard which caught my eye. It said, "The Path to Happiness in Life". Under the title was a graphic representation the tablets on which were written the ten commandments. I couldn't help but think of Roman, chapter 7. What bondage we place ourselves under by not understanding the purpose of the Law. Many, many of my Christian brothers have placed themselves in bondage to the Law by misunderstanding His purpose in giving Israel the Law. I pray that we all will seek His will and purpose for us so that we truly will find "God's Path to Happiness in Life".....
More like the path to the most frustration one could possibly experiece.
Amen, Steve. It's really sad to watch fellow Christians trying to keep the Law and failing every time. Most have no idea why things aren't working out like they want. They desparately need to read Romans with the aid of the Spirit of Truth. He opened my eyes, He will open theirs as well.
Hey Don, one of these days I will make it to Dallas to visit with Christy. When I do, we will have to get together.
Great...Sounds good. I'll email you my phone #s....
Good post. People get stuck in legalism and don't realize that the religion they are apart of is centered on a guy who radically reinterpreted what God's purpose was in the Law. Jesus showed the true heart of the Law, the true spirit behind it. It is the spirit of truth that we are called to obey, not the letter, which everyone falls short of.
Maybe, like the Jews, we all have to go through a period of "trying to uphold the law" so that we can fail. Then, we would be forced to look for someone to save us from the deadly law and stupid selves.
Perhaps, Bruce, does sound awfully familiar doesn't it. Some times I ask myself, "Why didn't you notice these things before", but my question is answered before I can complete the sentence.......
Nice post Don.
Trying to keeping the law is one endless journey ... never get peace that way. I like the way Bruce puts it:
we all have to go through a period of "trying to uphold the law" so that we can fail.
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