Monday, September 25, 2006

Is The Church Necessary as a Place to Worship?

As most of you probably know, if you've read my profile, I'm a great fan of Martin Zender. Certainly, I don't agree with everything Martin writes. If I did, I might start calling him "Master", and I don't think he would like that too much!! But, after my journey for TRUTH had proceeded for over a year, I found Martin's website. It was there that I discovered his book, "How to Quit the Church Without Quitting God". It was the thing that allowed God's truth to really impact me. I highly recommend it if you are seeking for God's truth and not finding it inside the four walls of a church.

Now back to my question.....I'll let the apostle Paul speak for me. I trust him. I think he knows what he's talking about. I mean he had a pretty decent teacher out there on the Damascus road and in the Arabian desert.

Acts 17:24

the Lord inherent of heaven and earth, is not dwelling in temples made by hands.

So where is HE? He's in your heart. He's wherever you are. Wherever you and your friends are............

Check out Martin's book. It's worth a read......


At 6:41 PM, Blogger SteveW said...

Yes Don, we are His dwelling.

One morning, a few years ago, I awoke with the scripture out of Revelation rolling around in my spirit concerning New Jerusalem...and I saw no temple...

That was one of the many things happening at that time which led me to start following the Lamb as my only Shepherd...outside of modern temples.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Don said...

Steve- Why is it most people feel they can't properly worship unless it's in a building. I remember some of my Dad's friends who didn't attend church as much as we thought they should. They always said, "I can go to church out on the lake fishing".....You know, they were right!

At 10:47 AM, Blogger SteveW said...

Why is it most people feel they can't properly worship unless it's in a building?

I think it is because we have been taught that by church itself. It must teach that to maintain itself. It has for them become more an issue of self survival than reality.

I think your Dad's fishing friends were right. Worship in it's truest form to me is a lifestyle of communion with God where ever I am at the moment.

I am free to worship Him and even to not worship Him. I choose to lead a life though of worship because, with a wonderful God like ours, there is no reason not to.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger SteveW said...

Don, Kansas Bob left this comment for you. He could not comment here with his beta version of blogger. Following is his comment.

I believe in the “where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name” version of church as well as the 120 in the upper room version. What I am a bit uncomfortable with is the hermit version of church which affirms that I don’t need you and you don’t need me. We need each other in tangible ways because we are a body not an organization.

For me, I really enjoy worshipping with like minded people. I enjoying pouring out my heart to the Lord with other people … crying in prayer with them … dancing before the Lord with them and experiencing life in the Spirit as we unabashedly worship Jesus. It is not the only way to experience true life but it is one of the ways.

Blessings to you, Bob

At 3:13 PM, Blogger SteveW said...

I have been thinking about the word worship lately. Although it is fine for some to do so in the manner that many do, singing, lifting hands, praising etc....and I did that for years....but for me now, I have been wondering how much worship could be offered to God by simply acknowledging the great and awesome "worth" of what he accomplished at the cross.

I wonder if, for two long, we have sold the worth of the cross short by limiting it's effectiveness greatly.
Consider the great price He paid in redeeming or buying us back. Could anything be "worth" more. Not for me.

So I guess I am saying that, in my own way, every time I profess how powerful the grace of God is toward all of mankind I am offering "worth"ship to my God.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Trailady said...

Thanks for the book referral- I will try to check it out. I am currently reading 'Bad News Religion' by Greg Albrecht- AWESOME! He is the leader of a church without walls whose motto is 'Christianity without the Religion'. He speaks online. I have really been blessed by his messages. Check him out at:

Blessings to your journey!!!


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