An Empty Shell of Faith
Chaplain Roy called me to recommend a read from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, our local newspaper. This is an article ALL of us need to read. When I read it, I thought, "how did this get in our newspaper". You have to remember that Fort Worth is the home of Southwestern Theological Seminary, a Southern Baptist seminary and one of the largest, most conservative in the country. Please read this:
i thought this article hit the nail on the head. it starts with a quote from richard smoley - check out his Inner Christianity for a great read - and the rest packed a real punch.
i'm based in the UK, the mega-church phenomenon has not really hit that hard here. going to church will still get you laughed at in most circles, which is a good thing i reckon - at least better than the greasy political-religious status quo that seems to dominate much of the american landscape.
i think that a lot of evangelical preachers who demonise prostitutes & gays probably have a problem in that area and the lack of honesty in the church feeds this.
i say let the empty shell get fat and cave in under it's own weight. calling oneself a "christian" in todays world is virtually meaningless.
i'm clay & full of shit but G-d's still busy.
I lived in the middle of this for so many years (all but the last 2.5 years), but never saw it until God opened my eyes. It is so true....
All I can say is, WOW!! great article!!!
Hello Don, Your articles are always so thought provoking. :o)
I have been getting some harrassment for my views, so I have changed my URL to:
Trailady, join the club!
Trailady Wrote:
I have been getting some harrassment for my views
You know Paul said, "Those who seek to live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution"
We were always taught that means if you don't drink, smoke, say dirty words, etc. that you would suffer for it. But I have now come to the understanding that "living Godly in Christ Jesus" is not about doing or not doing those things! Paul was talking to people who where still trying to live under the Law of Moses and he was telling them that if you seek to live Godly in Christ then you are no longer following the law for righteousness but are now embracing the faith and belief of Jesus, Jesus said, you are either going to follow Him or follow Moses. And when you seek to follow Him and live by His Grace and NOT Moses Law those who still follow Moses will persecute you even unto death as they did Jesus.
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