The Wages of Sin is Death
Our friend Roy brought up a very interesting point about that familiar verse of scripture, Romans 6:23
23 For the ration of Sin is death, yet the gracious gift of God is life eonian, in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
I had thought the verse was talking about the result of Adam's sin. That is, the fact that we all will die because Adam's failure. Then, it hit me. Roy is right in his assessment of the verse. We live on this side of the cross. Those who lived on the other side were burdened with the result of Adam's sin. However, because we are on this side of the cross, the death that is spoken of is not our death, but the death which befell our savior, Christ Jesus. He took the result of Adam's sin, and all ours as well, on Himself. That's a whole new way of looking at the verse. He faced death for all sin and erased the effect of sin forever. Praise be to God!!
Roy's blog is:
Yes Don, good point. He tasted death for us all so that we could LIVE...abundantly.
It is good to live on this side of the cross, having seen the total fulfillment in Christ of all that the prophets foretold.
Isn't it funny how so many preachers talk about the "sin=death" part... and stop there! Someone should tell them the GOOD NEWS!
I'd like to comment on the assessment that the death spoken of is Christ's death. Paul is speaking of sin in this whole chapter - how we are slaves to it. He is telling us that the wages of sin is death and that we should no longer live in sin because of what Christ did for us. It is by His grace that we are now free from sin's grasp - if we accept Christ as our Saviour. Yes, for those of us that accept what Christ has done for us sin's effect is erased - if we do not accept what Chist has done the spiritual death that Adam brought upon us still applies.
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